
Dieser Algorithmus erzeugt alle Kombinationen von k Elementen aus einer Gesamtmenge mit n Elementen.

Während die Excel Funktion KOMBINATIONEN(n; k) die Anzahl dieser Kombinationen anzeigt, listet der hier vorgestellte Algorithmus alle einzeln, damit sie ggf. untersucht werden können. Das vorgestellte Programm ist schnell - zum Vergleich siehe unten die unter Weitere Links zu findenden Formelansätze.







Reingold, Nievergelt, Deo: Combinatorial Algorithms, 1977, Algorithm 5.9, p. 186, ISBN 0-13-152447-X

(Externer Link!) Efficient approach to generate list of combinations with no repetition

Appendix – Programmcode Combinations_with_k_subsets_of_n

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Option Explicit

Public r As Long 'Output row

'Generates all combinations of array n with subsets k.
'See Reingold, Nievergelt, Deo: Combinatorial Algorithms, 1977, Algorithm 5.9, p. 186, ISBN 0-13-152447-X
'Version 0.2 12-Jul-2024

Sub Combinations_with_k_subsets_of_n(n As Long, k As Long)
Dim i As Long, j As Long, m As Long, t As Long, u As Long

With Application.WorksheetFunction
ReDim g(1 To n + 1) As Long
ReDim tau(1 To n + 1) As Long
ReDim res(1 To .Combin(n, k), 1 To n) As Variant
r = 1
For j = 1 To k
  g(j) = 1
  tau(j) = j + 1
Next j
For j = k + 1 To n + 1
  g(j) = 0
  tau(j) = j + 1
Next j
t = k
tau(1) = k + 1
i = 0
Do While i <> n + 1
  'Call Visit(g) instead of the next 4 rows if you need to analyze g().
  For u = 1 To UBound(g) - 1
    res(r, u) = g(u)
  Next u
  r = r + 1
  i = tau(1)
  tau(1) = tau(i)
  tau(i) = i + 1
  If g(i) = 1 Then
    If t <> 0 Then
      g(t) = 1 - g(t)
      g(i - 1) = 1 - g(i - 1)
    End If
    t = t + 1
    If t <> 1 Then
      g(t - 1) = 1 - g(t - 1)
      g(i - 1) = 1 - g(i - 1)
    End If
    t = t - 1
  End If
  g(i) = 1 - g(i)
  If t = i - 1 Or t = 0 Then
    t = t + 1
    t = t - g(i - 1)
    tau(i - 1) = tau(1)
    If t = 0 Then
      tau(1) = i - 1
      tau(1) = t + 1
    End If
  End If
Range(wsO.Cells(1, 1), wsO.Cells(r - 1, n)) = res
End With
End Sub

Sub Visit(g As Variant)
'Print current permutation in immediate window and on sheet Output.
'You can analyze the permutation or do other things as well.
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To UBound(g) - 1
  wsO.Cells(r, i) = g(i)
  Debug.Print g(i);
Next i
r = r + 1
End Sub

Sub test()
Debug.Print Now
Call Combinations_with_k_subsets_of_n(5, 3)
Debug.Print Now
End Sub


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