In älteren Excel Versionen konnte man mit dem Excel4 Makro ZELLE.ZUORDNEN interessante Zellinformationen ausgeben. Zum Beispiel konnte man den Namen HatFormel mit dem Wert
im Namensmanager definieren. Wenn Sie dann =HatFormel in der Zelle rechts neben einer gewünschten Zelle eingegeben hätten, dann würde diese anzeigen ob die gewünschte Zelle eine Formel enthält (“WAHR”) oder nicht (“FALSCH”).
Sie können mit VBA ähnliche Informationen ausgeben lassen:
Appendix – Programmcode sbGetCell
Bitte den Haftungsausschluss im Impressum beachten.
Option Explicit
Function sbGetCell(r As Range, s As String) As Variant
'Source (EN): http://www.sulprobil.de/sbgetcell_en/
'Source (DE): http://www.berndplumhoff.de/sbgetcell_de/
'Bernd Plumhoff V0.33 30-Oct-2022
With Application.WorksheetFunction
Select Case s
Case "AbsReference", "1"
'Absolute style reference like $A$1
If Application.Caller.Parent.Parent.Name = _
r.Worksheet.Parent.Name And _
Application.Caller.Parent.Name = r.Worksheet.Name Then
sbGetCell = r.Address
If InStr(r.Worksheet.Parent.Name & _
r.Worksheet.Name, " ") > 0 Then
sbGetCell = "'[" & r.Worksheet.Parent.Name & "]" & _
r.Worksheet.Name & "'!" & r.Address
sbGetCell = "[" & r.Worksheet.Parent.Name & "]" & _
r.Worksheet.Name & "!" & r.Address
End If
End If
Case "RowNumber", "2"
'Row number in the top cell reference
sbGetCell = r.Row
Case "ColumnNumber", "3"
'Column number of the leftmost cell in reference
sbGetCell = r.Column
Case "Type", "4"
'Same as TYPE(reference)
sbGetCell = -IsEmpty(r) - .IsNumber(r) - .IsText(r) * 2 - .IsLogical(r) _
* 4 - .IsError(r) * 16 - IsArray(r) * 64
Case "Contents", "5"
'Contents of reference
sbGetCell = r.Value
Case "FormulaLocal", "ShowFormula", "6"
'Cell formula
sbGetCell = r.FormulaLocal
Case "NumberFormat", "7"
'Number format of cell
sbGetCell = r.NumberFormatLocal
Case "HorizontalAlignment", "8"
'Number indicating the cell's horizontal alignment
Select Case r.HorizontalAlignment
Case xlGeneral
sbGetCell = 1
Case xlLeft
sbGetCell = 2
Case xlCenter
sbGetCell = 3
Case xlRight
sbGetCell = 4
Case xlFill
sbGetCell = 5
Case xlJustify
sbGetCell = 6
Case xlCenterAcrossSelection
sbGetCell = 7
Case xlDistributed
sbGetCell = 8
Case Else
Debug.Assert False 'Should not get here
End Select
Case "LeftBorderStyle", "9"
'Number indicating the left-border style assigned to the cell
Select Case r.Borders(1).LineStyle
Case xlLineStyleNone
sbGetCell = 0
Case xlHairline
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(1).Weight = xlMedium, 2, 7)
Case xlDot
sbGetCell = 4
Case xlDashDotDot
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(1).Weight = xlMedium, 12, 11)
Case xlDashDot
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(1).Weight = xlMedium, 10, 9)
Case xlDash
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(1).Weight = xlMedium, 8, 3)
Case xlSlantDashDot
sbGetCell = 13
Case xlDouble
sbGetCell = 6
Case Else
sbGetCell = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Select
Case "RightBorderStyle", "10"
'Number indicating the right-border style assigned to the cell
Select Case r.Borders(2).LineStyle
Case xlLineStyleNone
sbGetCell = 0
Case xlHairline
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(2).Weight = xlMedium, 2, 7)
Case xlDot
sbGetCell = 4
Case xlDashDotDot
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(2).Weight = xlMedium, 12, 11)
Case xlDashDot
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(2).Weight = xlMedium, 10, 9)
Case xlDash
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(2).Weight = xlMedium, 8, 3)
Case xlSlantDashDot
sbGetCell = 13
Case xlDouble
sbGetCell = 6
Case Else
sbGetCell = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Select
Case "TopBorderStyle", "11"
'Number indicating the top-border style assigned to the cell
Select Case r.Borders(3).LineStyle
Case xlLineStyleNone
sbGetCell = 0
Case xlHairline
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(3).Weight = xlMedium, 2, 7)
Case xlDot
sbGetCell = 4
Case xlDashDotDot
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(3).Weight = xlMedium, 12, 11)
Case xlDashDot
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(3).Weight = xlMedium, 10, 9)
Case xlDash
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(3).Weight = xlMedium, 8, 3)
Case xlSlantDashDot
sbGetCell = 13
Case xlDouble
sbGetCell = 6
Case Else
sbGetCell = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Select
Case "BottomBorderStyle", "12"
'Number indicating the bottom-border style assigned to the cell
Select Case r.Borders(4).LineStyle
Case xlLineStyleNone
sbGetCell = 0
Case xlHairline
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(4).Weight = xlMedium, 2, 7)
Case xlDot
sbGetCell = 4
Case xlDashDotDot
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(4).Weight = xlMedium, 12, 11)
Case xlDashDot
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(4).Weight = xlMedium, 10, 9)
Case xlDash
sbGetCell = IIf(r.Borders(4).Weight = xlMedium, 8, 3)
Case xlSlantDashDot
sbGetCell = 13
Case xlDouble
sbGetCell = 6
Case Else
sbGetCell = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Select
Case "Pattern", "13"
'Number indicating cell pattern
sbGetCell = r.Interior.Pattern
Case "IsLocked", "14"
'True if cell is locked
sbGetCell = r.Locked
Case "FormulaHidden", "HiddenFormula", "15"
'True if cell formula is hidden
sbGetCell = r.FormulaHidden
Case "Width", "CellWidth", "16"
'Cell width. If array-entered into two cells of a row,
'second value is true if width is standard
sbGetCell = Array(r.ColumnWidth, r.UseStandardWidth) 'Not width!
Case "Height", "RowHeight", "17"
'Cell height
sbGetCell = r.RowHeight
Case "FontName", "18"
'Cell font name
sbGetCell = r.Font.Name
Case "FontSize", "19"
'Cell font size
sbGetCell = r.Font.Size
Case "IsBold", "20"
'Cell is formatted bold?
sbGetCell = r.Font.Bold
Case "IsItalic", "21"
'Cell is formatted in Italics?
sbGetCell = r.Font.Italic
Case "IsUnderlined", "22"
'Cell is formatted as underlined?
sbGetCell = (r.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle Or _
r.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingleAccounting Or _
r.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleDouble Or _
r.Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleDoubleAccounting)
Case "IsStruckThrough", "23"
'Cell characters are struck through?
sbGetCell = r.Font.Strikethrough
Case "FontColorIndex", "24"
'Cell font color of first character, 1-56, 0 = automatic
sbGetCell = r.Font.ColorIndex
Case "IsOutlined", "25", "IsShaddowed", "26"
'Cell font is outlined or shaddowed? (Not supported by Excel)
sbGetCell = False
Case "PageBreak", "27"
'0 = no break, 1 = row, 2 = column, 3 = row and column
sbGetCell = -(r.EntireRow.PageBreak <> xlPageBreakNone) - 2 * (r.EntireColumn.PageBreak <> xlPageBreakNone)
Case "RowLevelOutline", "28"
'Row level outline
sbGetCell = r.EntireRow.OutlineLevel
Case "ColumnLevelOutline", "29"
'Row level outline
sbGetCell = r.EntireColumn.OutlineLevel
Case "IsSummaryRow", "30"
'Row is a summary row?
sbGetCell = r.EntireRow.Summary
Case "IsSummaryColumn", "31"
'Column is a summary column?
sbGetCell = r.EntireColumn.Summary
Case "WorkbookSheetName", "32"
'Workbook name like [Book1.xls]Sheet1 or Book1.xls if
'workbook and single sheet have
'identical names
If r.Worksheet.Parent.Name = r.Worksheet.Name & ".xls" And _
Application.Worksheets.Count = 1 Then
sbGetCell = r.Worksheet.Parent.Name
sbGetCell = "[" & r.Worksheet.Parent.Name & "]" & _
End If
Case "IsWrapped", "33"
'Cell text is formatted as wrapped?
sbGetCell = r.WrapText
Case "LeftBorderColorIndex", "34"
'Left border color index
sbGetCell = r.Borders.Item(1).ColorIndex
Case "RightBorderColorIndex", "35"
'Right border color index
sbGetCell = r.Borders.Item(2).ColorIndex
Case "TopBorderColorIndex", "36"
'Top border color index
sbGetCell = r.Borders.Item(3).ColorIndex
Case "BottomBorderColorIndex", "37"
'Bottom border color index
sbGetCell = r.Borders.Item(4).ColorIndex
Case "ShadeForeGroundColor", "38", "PatternBackGroundColor", "64"
sbGetCell = r.Interior.PatternColorIndex
Case "ShadeBackGroundColor", "39", "PatternForeGroundColor", "63"
sbGetCell = r.Interior.ColorIndex
Case "TextStyle", "40"
'Style of the cell, as text
sbGetCell = r.Style.NameLocal
Case "FormulaWOT", "41"
'Returns the formula in the active cell without translating it (useful for international macro sheets)
sbGetCell = r.Formula
'Case "HDistWinToLCell", "42"
' 'Horizontal distance, measured in points, from the left edge of the active window to the left edge of the cell
' sbGetCell = r. 'Does not work yet
Case "HasNote", "46"
'True if cell contains a text note
sbGetCell = Len(r.NoteText) > 0
Case "HasSound", "47"
'True if cell has a sound note. Not supported.
sbGetCell = False
Case "HasFormula", "48"
'True if cell contains a formula
sbGetCell = r.HasFormula
Case "IsArray", "49"
'True if cell is part of an array formula
sbGetCell = r.HasArray
Case "VerticalAlignment", "50"
'1 = Top, 2 = Center, 3 = Bottom, 4 = Justified, 5 = Distributed
sbGetCell = -(r.VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignTop) - 2 * (r.VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignCenter) - _
3 * (r.VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignBottom) - 4 * (r.VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignJustify) - _
5 * (r.VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignDistributed)
Case "VerticalOrientation", "51"
'0 = Horizontal, 1 = Vertical, 2 = Upward, 3 = Downward
sbGetCell = -(r.Orientation = xlVertical) - 2 * (r.Orientation = xlUpward) - _
3 * (r.Orientation = xlDownward)
Case "IsStringConst", "IsStringConstant", "52"
'Text alignment char "'" if cell is a string constant,
'empty string "" if not
sbGetCell = r.PrefixCharacter
Case "AsText", "53"
'Cell displayed as text with numbers formatted and symbols included
sbGetCell = r.Text
Case "PivotTableViewName", "54"
sbGetCell = r.PivotTable.Name
'Case "PivotTableViewPosition", "55"
' 'PivotTableViewPosition
' sbGetCell = r.PivotField.Position 'Not correct yet
Case "PivotTableViewFieldName", "56"
sbGetCell = r.PivotField.Name
Case "IsSuperscript", "57"
'Cell text is formatted as superscript?
sbGetCell = r.Font.Superscript
Case "FontStyleText", "58"
sbGetCell = r.Font.FontStyle
Case "UnderlineStyle", "59"
'Underline style, 1 = none, 2 = single, 3 = double, 4 = single accounting, 5 = double accounting
Select Case r.Font.Underline
Case xlUnderlineStyleNone
sbGetCell = 1
Case xlUnderlineStyleSingle
sbGetCell = 2
Case xlUnderlineStyleDouble
sbGetCell = 3
Case xlUnderlineStyleSingleAccounting
sbGetCell = 4
Case xlUnderlineStyleDoubleAccounting
sbGetCell = 5
Case Else
sbGetCell = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Select
Case "IsSubscript", "60"
'Cell text is formatted as subscript?
sbGetCell = r.Font.Subscript
Case "PivotTableItemName", "61"
sbGetCell = r.PivotItem.Name
Case "WorksheetName", "62"
'Worksheet name like [Book1.xls]Sheet1
sbGetCell = "[" & r.Worksheet.Parent.Name & "]" & _
Case "IsAddIndentAlignment", "65"
'Only Far East Excel Versions
sbGetCell = False 'Not supported here
Case "WorkbookName", "66"
'Workbook name like Book1.xls
sbGetCell = r.Worksheet.Parent.Name
Case "IsHidden"
'Cell hidden?
sbGetCell = r.EntireRow.Hidden Or r.EntireColumn.Hidden
Case Else
sbGetCell = CVErr(xlErrValue)
End Select
End With
End Function
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sbgetcell.xlsm [40 KB Excel Datei, Download und Nutzung auf eigene Gefahr]