
Sie benötigen eine RANG Funktion die einen eindeutigen Rang auch im Falle von Duplikaten vergibt? Ein möglicher Ansatz:

Drücken Sie die Tasten ALT + F11, fügen Sie ein neues Modul ein und kopieren Sie den unten gezeigten Programmcode in das neue Modul. Dann kehren Sie zu Ihrem Tabellenblatt zurück, wählen die Zellen A12:C15 aus und geben =sbUniqRank(A2:C5) mit STRG + SHIFT + ENTER als Matrixformel ein.


Appendix – Programmcode sbUniqRank

Bitte den Haftungsausschluss im Impressum beachten.

Option Explicit

Function sbUniqRank(r As Range, _
    Optional vCountFrom As Variant = 1, _
    Optional bJustNumeric As Boolean = True, _
    Optional lOrder As Long = 0) As Variant
'Source (DE): http://www.berndplumhoff.de/sbuniqrank_de/
'Source (EN): http://www.sulprobil.de/sbuniqrank_en/
'(C) (P) by Bernd Plumhoff 25-Oct-2018 PB V0.6
'Array function to rank a range with unique ranks.
'vCountFrom determines from where you count in case of duplicates:
'1 = first rows (1 to count), then columns (1 to count), i. e. top left to top right (tltr)
'2 = starting with top right to top left, then downwards (trtl)
'8 = starting with bottom right to top right, then to the left (brtr)
'If bJustNumeric is True then Rank will be used to rank, if False then Countif will be used.
'lOrder is like Rank's order: 0 = Descending, 1 = Ascending
Dim obj As Object
Dim bSwap As Boolean
Dim i As Long, i1 As Long, i2 As Long, i3 As Long
Dim j As Long, j1 As Long, j2 As Long, j3 As Long
Dim sComp As String
Dim vI As Variant, vR As Variant
vI = r: vR = vI
Set obj = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Select Case vCountFrom
    Case 1, "tltr", "olor"
        i1 = 1: i2 = UBound(vI, 1): i3 = 1: j1 = 1: j2 = UBound(vI, 2): j3 = 1: bSwap = False
    Case 2, "trtl", "orol"
        i1 = 1: i2 = UBound(vI, 1): i3 = 1: j1 = UBound(vI, 2): j2 = 1: j3 = -1: bSwap = False
    Case 3, "blbr", "ulur"
        i1 = UBound(vI, 1): i2 = 1: i3 = -1: j1 = 1: j2 = UBound(vI, 2): j3 = 1: bSwap = False
    Case 4, "brbl", "urul"
        i1 = UBound(vI, 1): i2 = 1: i3 = -1: j1 = UBound(vI, 2): j2 = 1: j3 = -1: bSwap = False
    Case 5, "tlbl", "olul"
        i1 = 1: i2 = UBound(vI, 2): i3 = 1: j1 = 1: j2 = UBound(vI, 1): j3 = 1: bSwap = True
    Case 6, "bltl", "ulol"
        i1 = 1: i2 = UBound(vI, 2): i3 = 1: j1 = UBound(vI, 1): j2 = 1: j3 = -1: bSwap = True
    Case 7, "trbr", "orur"
        i1 = UBound(vI, 2): i2 = 1: i3 = -1: j1 = 1: j2 = UBound(vI, 1): j3 = 1: bSwap = True
    Case 8, "brtr", "uror"
        i1 = UBound(vI, 2): i2 = 1: i3 = -1: j1 = UBound(vI, 1): j2 = 1: j3 = -1: bSwap = True
    Case Else
        sbUniqRank = CVErr(xlErrValue)
        Exit Function
End Select
sComp = ">": If lOrder = 1 Then sComp = "<"
If bSwap Then
    'column - wise
    For i = i1 To i2 Step i3
        For j = j1 To j2 Step j3
            If bJustNumeric Then
                vR(j, i) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Rank(vI(j, i), r, lOrder) _
                           + obj.Item(vI(j, i))
                vR(j, i) = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(r, _
                           sComp & vI(j, i)) + obj.Item(vI(j, i)) + 1
            End If
            obj.Item(vI(j, i)) = obj.Item(vI(j, i)) + 1
        Next j
    Next i
    'row - wise
    For i = i1 To i2 Step i3
        For j = j1 To j2 Step j3
            If bJustNumeric Then
                vR(i, j) = Application.WorksheetFunction.Rank(vI(i, j), r, lOrder) _
                           + obj.Item(vI(i, j))
                vR(i, j) = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(r, _
                           sComp & vI(i, j)) + obj.Item(vI(i, j)) + 1
            End If
            obj.Item(vI(i, j)) = obj.Item(vI(i, j)) + 1
        Next j
    Next i
End If
sbUniqRank = vR
End Function


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